Arcle Rambutan

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Requirements Management Tool for Busy System Analysts
The first and only XML-based requirements management software for handheld devices sm.


Rambutan is a set of end-user applications software that assists a system analyst in the gathering and categorization of facts for a requirements specification document. In its current state, the product consists of two programs that perform similar functions. A handheld application is used to gather facts in the client's site while a desktop application is used to edit and further refine the requirement statements in the analyst's office. Both applications allow the user to enter, modify, and display data that make up a requirements specification document.

The concepts behind Rambutan lies on RQML 0.9, an XML-based requirements specification document format. In turn, Requirements Markup Language (RQML) is based on a set of best current practices in requirements engineering. This design decouples Rambutan from any specific methodology for requirements engineering.

Both the desktop application and its handheld counterpart are implemented using the Java programming language, allowing them to share some common code. However, it is not possible to code both applications to the same API. The desktop application is programmed for the Java 2 Standard Edition platform, version 1.3. On the other hand, the handheld application is programmed to run under the SuperWaba virtual machine using its own API. Both applications are GUI-based single-user systems.

Compared to other requirements management tools, Rambutan offers these competitive advantages:

  • Convenient client application for use in handheld (PDA-class) computers.
  • Portability between handheld platforms supported by SuperWaba: PalmOS, Windows CE, and PocketPC. The handheld application may also be run on any Java 1.1-compatible devices.
  • Portability between desktop platforms supported by Java 2 Standard Edition: Windows, Macintosh, and Unix (including Solaris and Linux).
  • Extensible pattern-based object-oriented design.
  • Open XML-based document format.
  • Independent from any specific requirements engineering methodology.
  • Non-restricting Apache-style open-source license

Rambutan came from Sasmito Adibowo's final project in Universitas Indonesia which yields him bachelor of computer science. This research in which Rambutan originates builds on Gardar Gudgeirsson's previous research on requirements engineering and his subsequent proposal on RQML.

System Requirements

  • Desktop System: at least Pentium II 366Mhz with 128MB memory
  • Java 2 Runtime Environment or Development Kit, version 1.3
  • Handheld System: PalmOS, Windows CE, or PocketPC systems with at least 1MB free storage space.


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